Spiders Move to 6-1 with win over Louisiana Tech on Sunday


DES MOINES, Iowa – Behind a 21-point game from Maggie Doogan, the University of Richmond Women’s Basketball team completed a 3-0 sweep in the Vibrant Thanksgiving Classic with a dominating 83-56 win over Louisiana Tech on Sunday. With the win, the Spiders improved to 6-1 on the year while the Lady Techsters fell to 2-4. 
Richmond Starters 
Budnik, Doogan, Hill, Ryan, Townsend 
How it Happened
Budnik got the ball rolling with a trey right out of the gate. After the Lady Techsters built a 6-4 lead off a pair of buckets, Siobhan Ryan and Doogan combined for six points on back-to-back treys to give Richmond the lead, 9-6. Later, the Spiders went on a 9-2 run from efforts by Laren VanArsdale, Rachel Ullstrom and Budnik to build a 10-point lead, 23-13 with 1:42 left in the quarter. Ryan would get one more layup off for the Spiders as Richmond ended the first 10 minutes up 25-17. 
The Spiders held the Lady Techsters to only three points in the second quarter as the Spiders amassed a 20-3 run. Doogan posted 13 points in the quarter while VanArsdale chipped in five and Ryan had two. The Spiders went into the locker room at halftime up 45-20. 
Townsend opened the third quarter with a driving layup, and Doogan followed the play with a layup of her own to bring the score to 49-23. Addie Budnik would hit a wide-open trey after a pair of free throws from the opposition and Ullstrom would push the Spider lead to 61-30 from back-to-back buckets with 4:10 left on the clock. The Spiders would end the quarter on a 7-0 run from buckets by Doogan, Kylee Lewandowski and Courtney Swider to head into the final 10 minutes up 70-38. 
Richmond continued to be an offensive threat in the fourth quarter as Ryan put up two free throws to give UR a 72-39 lead. Melissa Mwanza showed out in the fourth, as she grabbed an offensive board and sank two free throws. After the Lady Techsters went on a 4-0 run, Ullstrom shot a wide-open trey for an 80-55 Spider lead. 
Inside the Box Score 

  • The Spiders went 3-0 in the Vibrant Thanksgiving Classic with wins over Maine (W, 77-43), Drake (74-66) and Louisiana Tech (W, 83-56). 
  • The Spiders defeated the Lady Techsters for the first time in program history (1-0)
  • Doogan paced the team with 21 points, going 8 of 13 from the field, 4 of 6 from deep and a perfect 1 of 1 from the free throw line. Doogan recorded her sixth-straight game in double figures, as well as her 6thcareer game scoring 20 or more points. 
  • Two other Spiders, Rachel Ullstrom and Addie Budnik also finished the game in double figures, recording 15 and 12 points, respectively. 
  • Doogan led the team in rebounds with six. 
  • Budnik led the team in assists with six. 
  • Faye Parker recorded a career-high four blocks. 
  • As a team, the Spiders shot 29 of 56 (51.8%) from the field, 16 of 30 (53.3%) from deep and 9 of 11 (81.8%) from the charity stripe. In addition, the team posted 37 rebounds, 22 assists, six blocks, five thefts and nine points off 13 Tech turnovers. 
  • The Spider bench posted 35 points. 
  • Richmond pushed its win-streak to six-straight. 

Up Next 
The Spiders continue their non-conference slate at Villanova on Nov. 30 at 7 p.m. and will return to the Robins Center on Dec. 3 to play host to Le Moyne at 2 p.m.


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