Xbox chief Phil Spencer dreams up an Xbox gaming handheld | Technology News – Life Changer

Xbox chief Phil Spencer dreams up an Xbox gaming handheld | Technology News


It’s hard not to look at the new wave of PC gaming handhelds and dream about what a dedicated portable Xbox might be like. That’s exactly where Phil Spencer’s mind has been lately as he’s gotten hands-on time with devices like the Steam Deck, Asus ROG Ally, and Lenovo Legion Go.

Spencer envisions booting straight into a compact, full-screen Xbox app and interface when firing up a portable, with the same social features and overall vibe as an Xbox dashboard. He wants that authentic Xbox experience translated to these new mobile form factors.

In a candid interview at GDC with Polygon, Spencer admitted he’s been analysing these handhelds through an Xbox-tinted lens. “I want my Lenovo Legion Go to feel like an Xbox,” he said. “I have this list of everything that makes it not feel like an Xbox […] do all my games show up with the save [files] that I want? I’ll tell you one [game] that doesn’t right now — it’s driving me crazy — is Fallout 76. It doesn’t have cross-save.”

Of course, fantasising about the perfect portable Xbox is one thing – but Spencer recognises the hardware reality. The Xbox team, led by Roanne Sones, is actively exploring “different form factors” for future devices that could open up gaming to entirely new audiences and scenarios.

It’s not just hardware solutions Spencer is pondering though. He sees two potential paths for bringing a proper Xbox experience to handhelds – making dedicated Xbox portable hardware or improving the Xbox software ecosystem on Windows devices like the Ally and Legion Go.

“I like the fact that Valve, Lenovo, and Asus went out and innovated in a new form factor. And I will say that when I’m playing on those devices, it almost feels more like a console than a PC,” Spencer observed.

His takeaway? While valuing the innovation from Valve, Lenovo, and Asus, Spencer wants to solve the remaining Windows idiosyncrasies holding back an optimal Xbox experience, like being able to log in with a controller. It’s clear giving gamers a legitimate portable option that lives up to the Xbox name is top of mind.

© IE Online Media Services Pvt Ltd

First uploaded on: 27-03-2024 at 12:21 IST


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One thought on “Xbox chief Phil Spencer dreams up an Xbox gaming handheld | Technology News

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